Frequently Asked Questions

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You can find the answers to all your questions about the Hair Transplantation process on our website. We sincerely answered all questions for you. For questions that you can't find here, you can send us an e-mail.
How do hair transplants function?

During a hair transplant procedure, hair follicles are typically extracte­d from the donor area located at the­ back of the head. These­ harvested follicles are­ then meticulously placed in areas that experience­ hair loss or thinning. The outcome of this surgical operation is permanent hair growth.

Does getting a hair transplant hurt?

Local anesthetic greatly reduces discomfort during a hair transplant, resulting in minor discomfort. However, it is normal to expe­rience mild sorene­ss after the surgery, which can be effectively managed with painkillers.

How much does a hair transplant cost?

The cost of a hair transplant can significantly vary based on factors such as the clinic chosen, the experience of the surgeon, and the extent of hair loss. In comparison to numerous other countries, Turkey often offers lower prices for this procedure.

How does a hair graft differ from other methods of hair restoration?

A hair graft is transplanting a little portion of scalp tissue that is home to numerous hair follicles. It’s different from other operations involving hair transplants, which usually work with individual hair follicles.

How long does it take to have a hair transplant?

Depending on the technique and the quantity of grafts, the time required can vary from a few hours to a whole day.

How long does it take for a hair transplant to heal?

Within a few days, patients usually return to their regular activities. However, it can take several months for a full recovery and noticeable benefits.

Do you think I would be a good hair transplant candidate?

The degree of hair loss, the accessibility of donor hair, and general health all play a role in eligibility. To ascertain eligibility, consultation with an experienced surgeon is required.

Women are able to get hair transplants?

Yes, hair transplants are an option for women. The appropriateness is determined by the exact hair loss pattern of the individual and the accessibility of donor hair.

Can hair from a transplant fall out?

It is typical for transplanted hair to fall out a few weeks after the surgery. New hair will grow back as a result of this being a normal component of the hair growth cycle.

How do I pick the best hair transplant doctor or facility?

Research is important. Choose a surgeon who has training, credentials, and happy patients. Verify if the clinic adheres to moral and ethical principles.

Is there any remedies besides hair transplants?

There are non-surgical treatments, including prescription drugs (such finasteride and minoxidil) and low-level laser therapy. Their potency differs from person to person.

What results in hair loss, and is it preventable?

Hair loss can be brought on by genetics, hormones, illnesses, and way of life choices. Depending on the cause, prevention may involve taking drugs or altering one’s lifestyle.

Do I still have the option to use hair products after a transplant?

The majority of hair products can be used after a hair transplant, however it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions to ensure a successful recovery.

Do hair transplants have any long-term adverse effects?

Long-term adverse effects can include scarring or persistent numbness, however these are unusual. The risks can be minimized by choosing a skilled surgeon.

Can stress affect a hair transplant's success?

The success of a hair transplant may be impacted by high stress levels. Relaxation methods for stress management can be helpful.

If I'm unhappy with the outcomes, can hair transplants be undone?

Hair transplants are viewed as permanent procedures. However, revision techniques or hairline tweaks might be feasible in some circumstances.

Can hair be transplanted from one part of the body to another and placed on the scalp?

Yes, depending on the type and qualities of the hair, body hair can occasionally be utilized as a donor for scalp transplantation.

When hair loss is quite advanced, are hair transplants effective?

Hair transplants work best when there is still some donor hair present. For those who have experienced significant hair loss, many sessions could be necessary to get the desired results.

What should I do if I have problems or complications after my transplant?

After receiving a hair transplant, if you encounter any problems or have any concerns, speak with your surgeon right away for advice and an assessment.

Can other cosmetic treatments be coupled with hair transplants?

If it is safe and recommended by your surgeon, hair transplants can frequently be coupled with other cosmetic surgeries like facelifts or rhinoplasty.

Do you have to follow a certain diet before or after getting a hair transplant?

To help healing, your surgeon may give particular dietary recommendations to follow both before and after the treatment.

Can I choose the direction that the transplanted hair grows in?

Yes, during the surgery, the direction and angle of the transplanted hair can be changed to produce a natural appearance.

I have coily or curly hair; is a hair transplant possible?

Many various hair types, including curly or coily hair, can be accommodated through hair transplants.

After having a hair transplant, can I immediately return to my job?

Depending on the physical demands of the profession, the majority of patients can go back to work within a few days to a week after having a hair transplant.

Can transgender people have hair transplants as part of their transition?

Transgender people frequently undergo hair restoration techniques to achieve their ideal appearance as part of their transition.

Can people who have had skin cancer in the past have their hair transplanted?

Skin cancer survivors should discuss their medical history with a surgeon to ascertain their appropriateness.

What part do vitamins and supplements play in maintaining healthy hair after a transplant?

To encourage hair health and development after a transplant, your surgeon can advise taking particular vitamins and supplements.

Can I have a hair transplant if I have had psoriasis or dermatitis on my scalp in the past?

People with scalp issues should speak with their surgeon to find out if a hair transplant is a good fit and safe procedure for them.

If I have a history of alopecia areata, may I have a hair transplant?

Alopecia areata can make a hair transplant less successful. To determine the viability, consultation with a dermatologist and surgeon is necessary.

Can I work out or other physically demanding activities after the initial recuperation period?

Most patients can gradually resume physical activity after the initial healing period, but it’s vital to heed your surgeon’s instructions.

Can hair transplants treat stress or trauma-related hair loss?

Stress or trauma-related hair loss may be transient and frequently gets better without a transplant. It is recommended to get advice from a healthcare expert.

Can I have a hair transplant even though I have had keloid or hypertrophic scarring in the past?

People who have a history of keloid or hypertrophic scarring may be more likely to experience scarring after a hair transplant; they should talk to their surgeon about this.

Can I have a hair transplant if I have had thyroid problems or hormonal issues in the past?

Before having a hair transplant, those with thyroid issues or hormonal imbalances should make sure that these conditions are well-managed and discuss them with their surgeon.

Can I have a hair transplant even though I have had migraines or other persistent headaches in the past?

In order to manage discomfort during and after the treatment, it is crucial to discuss this with your surgeon before getting a hair transplant if you suffer from migraines or other types of persistent headaches.

Are there any cultural or religious restrictions on undergoing hair transplants, such as having to shave your head first?

The method used for hair transplants may be influenced by certain religious or cultural beliefs. To suit your desires, talk this over with your surgeon.

Can those with fine or thinning hair have their hair transplanted?

People with fine or thinning hair can undergo hair transplants, but the outcome will rely on the quality of the donor hair.

After a hair transplant, are there any limitations on the hair care or coloring products that you can use?

Most hair care and coloring products can be used after the initial healing phase, but it is best to first speak with your surgeon.

Can people with autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis have hair transplants?

Autoimmune conditions can make a hair transplant less effective. Rheumatologists and surgeons should be consulted.

Can those with a history of severe allergic responses have hair transplants?

To reduce risks, people with a history of severe allergic responses should talk to their surgeon about it.

Can people who have previously had chemotherapy or radiation therapy have hair transplants?

After receiving chemotherapy or radiation therapy, hair transplants are a possibility, but timing and evaluation are crucial.

How long does transplanted hair usually last, and can it get older like natural hair?

In most cases, transplanted hair keeps its qualities and can deteriorate over time like your original hair.

Can I have a hair transplant even though I have had eye operations or problems in the past?

To ensure safety during the surgery, people with a history of eye surgeries or conditions should talk to their surgeon about it.

Can those who have previous episodes of migraines or other types of headaches get hair transplants?

A hair transplant is an option for people who suffer from migraines or recurrent headaches, but it is crucial to control your pain both during and after the treatment.

Can a man get a beard or facial hair enhancements through hair transplants?

Hair transplants can be used to grow facial hair, such as sideburns, mustaches, and beards, or to improve existing facial hair.

What function does platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy serve alongside hair transplants?

When hair transplants are performed in conjunction with PRP therapy, graft survival and healing are improved.

Can someone with a history of multiple scalp operations have hair transplants?

Multiple scalp operations patients should discuss their medical history with the surgeon to determine suitability.

If I have had organ transplants or immunosuppressive drugs in the past, can I still get a hair transplant?

To guarantee safety, people with immunosuppressive drugs or organ transplants should speak with their transplants team and their transplanted hair surgeon.

How can I decide between FUE and FUT for my hair transplant?

The decision amongst FUE and FUT is influenced by personal preferences, donor area excellence, and the degree of hair loss.

What should I do to get ready for a hair transplant procedure before it happens?

Your surgeon will give you particular advice prior to the procedure, which may include maintaining good overall health, abstaining from certain drugs and alcohol, and making sure you have someone drive you home after the treatment.

Is a certain age when obtaining a hair transplant is advised?

Although there is no set age limit, eligibility for a hair transplant depends on things including the degree of hair loss, the availability of donor hair, and general health. Usually, it is thought of for grownups.

How do I pick the best hair transplant doctor and facility?

Research is important. Choose a surgeon who has training, credentials, and happy patients. Make sure the clinic adheres to moral and ethical principles.

Can I use drugs or hair products before getting a hair transplant?

Before the operation, it might be necessary to stop using certain drugs and hair products. To find out which products are safe to use, speak with your surgeon.

If I have had organ transplants or immunosuppressive drugs in the past, can I still get a hair transplant?

To guarantee safety, people with immunosuppressive drugs or organ transplants should speak with their transplants team and their transplanted hair surgeon.

What can I anticipate from the surgeon's initial consultation?

The surgeon will evaluate your hair loss, go over your goals, go through the treatment, and answer any questions or concerns you may have during the consultation. It is a crucial chance to make your expectations clear.

What is hair graft?

Usually extracted from the scalp, a hair graft is a tiny piece of tissue that has a number of hair follicles. Several hair restoration methods, including transplanted hair and hair grafting, involve hair grafts.

Do hair transplants come with any risks or complications?

Although they are uncommon, consequences can include scarring, infections, or shock loss (temporary hair loss). Risks can be reduced by selecting a qualified surgeon and adhering to postoperative care guidelines.

Will the new hair appear natural?

Hair that has been transplanted should appear and feel natural when done by a skilled surgeon.

Are there any possible dangers or difficulties with the hair graft procedure?

Infection, scars, and uneven hair growth are all potential dangers and problems, just as with any surgical surgery. These hazards can be reduced by selecting a skilled surgeon and adhering to postoperative care guidelines.

What is the hair graft recovery process like, and when can I expect to see results?

There will be some soreness, swelling, and temporary scabbing during the healing process. Within a few months, new hair growth usually starts, with more pronounced effects appearing over time.

What distinguishes the FUE and FUT methods of hair transplantation?

FUT involves cutting a strip of scalp and dividing it into grafts, whereas FUE is extracting each hair follicle individually. FUT can produce more grafts in a single session than FUE, which results in smaller, less obvious scars.

What procedures are used to collect hair grafts, and precisely where is the normal donor location located?

The donor area, also referred to as the back or margins of the scalp, is where hair grafts are typically extracted. A tiny piece of scalp tissues containing hair follicles is cut out by the surgeon for transplanting.

Is a hair transplant a long-term remedy for baldness?

A hair transplant is regarded as a permanent remedy, indeed. The transplanted hair normally grows for the rest of one’s life.

How should I get ready for a hair transplant operation?

Following the surgeon’s pre-operative instructions, which could include abstaining from certain drugs and alcoholic beverages and keeping good overall health, is considered preparation.

Can I customize the style and density of my hair transplants?

Yes, you can talk to your surgeon during the appointment about the desired hair density and style.

What part does genetics play in hair loss and the success of transplants?

The success of your hair transplant depends on your hereditary characteristics, including the accessibility of good donor hair, since genetics play a key part in hair loss.

Is there a minimum or maximum age to receive a hair transplant?

Although there is no set age limit, appropriateness is determined by things like the rate of hair loss and general health.

Can I swim or work out after having a hair transplant?

You must forgo swimming and strenuous exercise for the duration of the term advised by your surgeon to ensure a speedy recovery.

How can I control my discomfort and itching while I'm recovering?

You will receive detailed instructions from your surgeon on how to handle discomfort and itching. Avoid scratching the transplanted area at all costs.

Do you have to give up smoking or drinking before or after getting a hair transplant?

Both before and after a hair transplant, it is advised to refrain from smoking and consuming excessive amounts of alcohol because they may slow the healing process.

How long does it usually take to see the full effects of a hair transplant?

After a hair transplant, the final results are usually noticeable 12 to 18 months later.

Can medical disorders or therapies that cause hair loss be treated with hair transplants?

Not all medical situations of hair loss will benefit from hair transplants. The need for medical advice cannot be overstated.

How can I handle my fear or worry before having a hair transplant procedure?

It is normal to experience anxiety. Relaxation exercises and talking through your worries with your surgeon can also reduce anxiety.

Can hair transplants fix previously unsuccessful hair restoration techniques?

Yes, revision surgeries for hair transplants can frequently enhance or correct the outcomes of earlier unsuccessful procedures.

If I have long hair, may I donate it for a hair transplant?

If it fits the requirements, long hair can be cut and utilized as a source of donor hair for a transplant.

Can people with autoimmune diseases have hair transplants done?

Before having a hair transplant, people with autoimmune illnesses may need to take additional care and undergo a comprehensive medical evaluation.

Are there any cultural or religious restrictions on having hair transplants?

Certain cultures and faiths have special rules surrounding hair. To ensure adherence to your principles, it is crucial to address this with your surgeon.

Can someone with a history of keloid scarring have hair transplants?

Prior to a hair transplant, a comprehensive evaluation is required since people with a history of keloid scarring may be at an elevated risk of developing hypertrophic scarring.

Is it feasible to get a hair transplant to restore facial hair?

Yes, facial hair, including eyebrows, mustaches, and beards, can be restored with hair transplantation.

Can asymmetric or uneven hairlines be corrected with hair transplants?

Yes, hair transplants can be used to restore crooked hairlines or give a face more symmetry.

Are there any restrictions for hair transplants based on age, such as being too young or too old?

Although there is not a set age for hair transplants, the patient’s unique situation and state of health are taken into consideration.

Can I have a hair transplant if I have had high blood pressure or hypertension in the past?

Hair transplants are an option for people with hypertension, but it is important to keep blood pressure under control and monitor it throughout the process.

How soon after a hair transplant can I begin utilizing finasteride or minoxidil for hair growth?

After a hair transplant, you should wait a few weeks to a few months before using hair growth products, as advised by your surgeon.

After a hair transplant, are there any restrictions on strenuous activity like weightlifting or contact sports?

To prevent graft damage, high-impact or contact sports should be avoided for a set amount of time after a hair transplant.

Are there any restrictions for hair transplants based on age, such as being too young or too old?

Although there is not a set age for hair transplants, a person’s appropriateness will depend on a variety of criteria, including the degree of hair loss and general health.

Can the form of the forehead or a more defined hairline be changed with hair transplants?

Yes, hair transplants can be used to reshape the forehead and give the hairline greater definition.

Can people with trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder) have hair transplants?

For those with trichotillomania, hair transplants are a possibility, although psychological testing and counseling are frequently advised as part of the treatment course.

Is it possible to get a hair transplant to cover up or cover up scars?

Scar concealment and revision with hair transplants can assist to lessen the visibility of scars on the scalp.

If I have had scalp injuries or skin grafts in the past, can I still get a hair transplant?

After skin grafts or scalp wounds, hair transplants can occasionally be done, but a careful examination is required.

Can traction alopecia cause hair loss that can be treated with hair transplants?

Traction alopecia may benefit from hair transplants, especially if the hair follicles are still healthy.

What does the consultation for hair transplantation mean and is it usually free?

An important step in the consultation is for the doctor to determine whether you are a good candidate for a hair transplant. Clinics have different consultation costs.

Can thinning eyebrows or eyelashes be made to look better with hair transplants?

To improve the appearance of eyebrows or eyelashes, hair transplantation may be used.

If I have previous instances of episodes or epilepsy, is a hair transplant safe?

The surgeon and anesthetic should go over safety issues with patients who have epilepsy or seizures.

How should I be ready psychologically and emotionally for a hair transplant?

Understanding the procedure, establishing reasonable expectations, and talking with your physician about any worries are all part of the mental and emotional preparation process.

Can scarring alopecia-related hair loss be treated by hair transplants?

Depending on the size and nature of the scars, hair transplants may be a possibility for some cases of scarring alopecia.

Can I have a hair transplant even though I possess a history of having blood clotting issues?

Blood clotting abnormalities should be well-managed and discussed with the patient’s surgeon in order to ensure safe surgery.

Can chemical burns to the scalp result in hair loss that can be treated by hair transplants?

Depending on the level of severity of the burns, hair transplants may occasionally be useful in treating hair loss brought on by chemical burns.

Can those who have undergone dental or maxillofacial surgery get hair transplants?

For safe planning, patients who have had prior dental or maxillofacial procedures should discuss previous medical conditions with the surgeon.

What part do vitamins and antioxidants play in promoting hair growth after a transplant?

After a transplant, the surgeon could provide antioxidants and nutrients to boost hair growth and general hair health.

Can I get a hair transplant even though I have had eczema or psoriasis on my scalp in the past?

To establish appropriateness and reduce hazards, people with scalp psoriasis or eczema should discuss their situation with their surgeon.

Can telogen effluvium or stress-related hair loss be treated with hair transplants?

Stress-related or telogen effluvium-related hair loss is typically transient and does not always necessitate a hair transplant. It is recommended to consult a healthcare expert.

What part will hair clone or regenerative procedures play in hair transplants in the future?

Research in the fields of hair cloning and rejuvenating treatments may open up new avenues for hair restoration.

Can those who have previously experienced adverse reactions to hair color or other products have hair transplants done?

For safe post-transplant care, anyone with a history of problems related to hair products should talk to their surgeon.

How soon after receiving a hair transplant can I go back to work and continue my normal activities?

Depending on the physical demands of their jobs, the majority of people can return to work after a few days to a fortnight of the treatment. It might be necessary to hold off on strenuous activities for a little while.

What can I anticipate in terms of pain and recovery time following surgery?

In the days after the transplant, some minimal pain and redness are typical. It usually takes many months for a full recovery and noticeable results.

Are there any particular guidelines for post-operative care that I should adhere to?

Detailed follow-up instructions, including as how to properly clean and caring for the donated area, any drugs to take, and activity limits, will be given by your surgeon.

How soon after the transplant of hair will I continue to notice fresh hair growth?

The majority of patients notice fresh hair growth between three and six months after the transplant, with the full effects showing up after roughly a year.

How can I make my hair transplant as successful as possible in the long run?

Follow your surgeon’s advice carefully, take the prescribed drugs or treatments, shield your scalp from the sun, and keep up a healthy lifestyle if you want the benefits to last.

I have had a history of psychiatric disorders such body dysmorphic disorder; is a hair transplant safe for me?

Psychologically ill people should address their conditions with the physician, and the examination may entail a mental health specialist.

Turkey Hair Transplant Before and After

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